Monday 12 January 2015

Connecting Essay 4

Here we see the photographer has taken an image of Angkor Wat temple with its reflection at a near sunset in the small lake outside of the main temple building in-between the temple and the library. This image is rather interesting because it shows a rather interesting thing that nature is slowly taking back the temple. Another interesting point in this image is the we see the cloud has a rather interesting tint to it. It is a sort of yellow colour to it which is in the background of the image.

In this we can see that there is a reflection of the temple in the small lake outside. I have also edited it so that there is a slight yellow tint and the colours are a bit more vibrate. In this image we see that I have increased the vibrance in the image to increase the colour in the picture. This was because there was a lot of different natural colours around which made increasing the vibrance more interesting because it had a larger affect on the image itself. 

The connection in these two photos is the reflection of the temple in the water and the editing of the surrounding colours to make them seem more vibrate. In both images we see that there is a yellow tint to both. In my image it is because I did it while I was editing the image and in the above images they managed to get the tint due to the sunset which made the image look rather interesting.

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