Monday 12 January 2015

Connecting Essay 5

In this image we can see that the photographer has decided to take a photo of  a forest with some newly fallen snow. This photo is great because it shows a very baron land with no green leafs anywhere. The image shows a contrast of the white of the snow and the dark colour of the dead baron trees.  There is also a contrast between the smooth snow and the sharp sticks on the trees which make the photo more interesting.

In this image we can see that there is a contrast between the little snow and the trees. As you can see there isn't as much snow as in the image above but that is only because the snow was still falling as I was taking the photo itself. This image is still a rather interesting photo because it shows part of Aokigahara which is the forest of the dead and where people go to commit suicide.

The connection between the two images is firstly they are both images of newly fallen snow in a forest. The second is that it shows a contrast between the white of the snow and the dark of the trees even though there is very little snow because it was still falling. Another link in the two images is that both of them were taken on Mt Fuji in Japan and also roughly in the same area as well because it would have been taken at the first check point on the mountain after the roads where closed.

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