Saturday 6 December 2014

Work Dairy - Mapplethorpe

In this Mapplethorpe inspired shoot I enjoyed going out and taking interesting outdoor photos that I felt replicated some of Mapplethorp's work. It was not that easy as most of Mapplethorp's work was done in a studio but I did find some backdrops which I felt worked. Mapplethorpe nearly always used models so my friend helped me here. Her serious look was to try and match many of the models Mapplethorpe used as not many were ever smiling in his work. 

In this photo I like the use of shadow and the attitude of the model. It all added up to the kind of  posed but slightly surreal feeling in some of his shots. Mapplethorpe very often used plain backgrounds which helped to through the subject forward.

In this one I like how I have part of the face that is slightly off and the background is out of focus.
If I were to continue this I would like to try some more shoots but in some more interesting possessions and backgrounds. I would also like to make some more controversial images because that is what Mapplethorpe does. Mapplethorpe is an interesting photographer because he only really gets controversial images and doesn't really care what people think of them because it is his style of photography.
Here is another type of photo I would like of a white and black guy over each other. This photo shows a contrast between the two colours black and white in two ways. Th first being the black man in on a light background and the white man is on a dark background. The next section of contrast is the two men themself being so close gives a contrast because of the colour of their skin.

Another image I would like is to add props to an image to make it more interesting. In this image we can see that Mapplethorpe has decided to show the evil within him by adding horns on to him.

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