Wednesday 3 December 2014

Work Diary - Walk 2

I had to get up very early to take these pictures and was hoping to get the morning mist that I see so often hanging over Harlow Flood Plain. Unfortunately today there was no mist but as it had rained so hard that night a lot of the fields were flooded so I used this to get some reflection photos as the sun rose over the town. These images are my retouched images. Mostly just a boost in saturation, recrop and addition of contrast.

In this image I decided to take a photo of a flooded field. I like the way the reflection looks almost like a painting effect (although its was not.) I increased the contrast and saturation a bit and re-cropped the image using the rule of thirds. 

In this image I captured all the cobwebs highlighted by the early morning light reflecting off the due that clung to them. This makes an interesting photo because there was a previous blue tint to the whole field which I then increased in the tint section of Lightroom. What made this image special was the fact that the whole field was covered so by using a low vantage point and selective depth of field I was able to emphasise this.
I would like to go back on some more days to try and capture the mist over the fields in both colour and black and white. I would also like to try and achieve an image with a light bright sky and a darker floor. This section of work was mainly inspired by the research I did on Ansel Adams. This is because he takes photos in black and white of wonderful landscape images which I have tried to recreate in these photos to some degree but more with colour.

Here we see that the photographer has taken a photo of a field in the mist which is something I would like to do. This image works well as a black and white which emphasises the light and dark tones on the image. The reflected light hitting the mist only appears to light the middle of the shot giving an unusual and mysterious feel.

This image like the one above has light hitting the early morning mist. Although a colour shot the high contrast areas appear to be more black and white than colour. I like the focal point of the large tree on the right hand side. The dark clouds on the left merging into the hills compared to the bright clouds on the right and the flatness of the light all add to the magical qualityof this shot.

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