Thursday 4 December 2014

Work Diary - Multi Imagery

In this section I took a range of images of foliage and then using a checkerboard layout, I gave what was a very simple series of images the illusion of one large image that had sections removed. This give a kind of trick of the eye and turns a dull image to an intriguing image, as the eye fills in missing section.

Again a similar subject matter of some foliage. But by increasing the amount of squares the image becomes much more abstract to the point where you need to look very hard to see what the image is made up from. Both the texture of the foliage and the repetition of squares appear to become more equally important as the frequency of repetition increases. Where as in the first image the foliage is the most important factor.

By taking the multiple imagery to more extreme lengths and overlaying in photoshop the patterns created become ever more textural and repetitious and the focal point of the image and the fact that each square is foliage is almost of no importance as below.

If I were to continue this I would like to add different layers of photos to create a more complex image which would be more interesting. I would need to take multiple images from the same point of view and by moving the elements around such as a persons limbs and by combining these in photoshop the image could become very surreal. The repetition of the ladies becomes the intriguing part of the images.

This is a good example of what I could achieve in photoshop. But it would take a lot of retouching and a lot of layers work to achieve. Here the photographer has used a dark dress so making it easy to blend the image seamlessly.

This is the type of image I would like to do because it is made of lots of layers and has a duplicated person in it. The repetition of the person and the fact the in each pose she is dressed differently ads a new element to the shot.In this way a timeline is presented in a single shot as each images add a further activities and dimension to the character. The brain starts interpreting and creating a story of contexts of the events.

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