Wednesday 19 November 2014

Connecting Essay 2

Here is an image of the poppy installation at the Tower of London during November 2014. This photographer has taken his image with the point of focus is on a post card of one solder. The reason this makes a good image is because the image puts a real face to the 1,000,000s of people who died in the first world war. As represented by the 888,246 poppies placed around the tower.  The reason I choose this photo is because it shows both a personal and national mark of respect and remembrance. 
In my image I decided to take a photo of the poppy waterfall with the Shard in the background. I didn't have a tripod with me so I couldn't get a photo of the poppies in the background in focus as much as the other image. Even though I couldn't get what i wanted I still managed to get an emotive image. I think this would benefit from retouching to remove the white tent poles. The poppies went right round the Tower of London. A 10 minute walk. The total number of deaths in WW1 was over 17 million.

The connection between the two photos are that one shows personal tragedy and one shows national tragedy. They also both show the poppy display that was outside of the Tower of London to show the number of people that died in the war. Both of the images show people paying their respect to the people who died. In the top photo we see someone who has decided to put a photo of a loved one in front go the display of poppy as and the other photo (my one) shows people paying their respects by displaying the poppies in the surrounding area to the Tower of London.

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