Wednesday 26 November 2014

Work Diary - Outdoor Contrast

In this section we had to find places that showed contrast outside of the studio. This was an enjoyable task because it could be a contrast between anything. There was little sun because it was a cloudy day which meant there was little chance of getting any good photos of contrast with shadow.

In this image we can see that there is a good contrast between the grey of the plant on the left and the green of the plant on the right. This makes a great image because they are both split in the middle of the image and are competing for control over the area.  Both plants have a similar texture and the day was very overcast giving a very flat light so it was colour rather than anything else that gave this image the necessary contrast.
In this image we can see contrast between the plant on the wall which is natural and the wall which is man-made. This reminds me of the constant battle between organic growth and man made structures.  In this case the man made structure has win as the growth as all but did back to nothing. So this image tells us a story.

This is an image I shot from a motorway bridge and it shows contrast in both extreme light and extreme dark
as well as the contrast between black white and red. If you look hard you can just make out the horizon which adds to the intrigue of the shot. As I exposed for the light only you cant see the road which makes for an abstract view.

I shot this in London after the 11.11.11. Armistice day. To me the contrast in colour is obvious but 
the contrast between each poppy representing a life lost and each light in each office representing someone living says more!

If I were to continue doing this then I would like to find similar shots showing contrast between plants, buildings and life. I would like to shoot more black and white photos. By removing colour from images this always seems to add emphasis to the tonal range of a shot.

In this image we can see the very hard contrast between two building materials. Namely glass and  concrete.
The reflections of the glass turns black and the concrete a very light grey. IN this shot if the light was at a different angle the reverse might have happened or if this was shot at night you would be able to see all the activity in the building and nothing outside. This shows how important it is to understand light and decide when to shoot for the desired outcome.

In this image we can see that there is a contrast between the white, green and the pink of the main flower. What makes that interesting is that there is so much contrast of colour in just one flower. I think this kind of flower is called variegated.
Although it has good colour it is a bit of an ugly shot as the photographer could have avoided the cars and telegraph pole by moving his position. Even by 50 cm would make all the difference.

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