Wednesday 5 November 2014

Definition - Contrast


Web Definition:
The web definition of contrast is the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or the close association.

My Definition:

My definition of contrast is when two different object are next to each other but are also complete opposites. That can be shape, colour, texture, light & dark. (Personality?)


In this image we can see that there is a lone red flower left in a field of green wheat. Also on a colour wheel red and green are polar opposites which means they have a large contrast.

In this there are two types of contrast the first being there is a contrast between the green and brown and there is also a contrast between the lightness of the green MM and the dark coloured brown coffee beans.

In this image we can see that the photographer has taken a photo of a sand dune and there is a large contrast between the rough dark side of the dune and the smoother light side of the dune. It is the angle of the light that makes such a large difference.

In this image the photographer has taken a photo of a single yellow flower surrounded by a field of red poppy flowers.
Its the contrast in colour only not shape, texture, light etc that makes this work.

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