Wednesday 5 November 2014

Image Bank - Contrast

Here are some images that I have found on the internet that photographers have taken to show contrast of all types of possible contrasts. Contrast is when two of something are very different to each other. This can be done with nearly anything. The main contrast is colour but I can can be a contrast of peoples personality or of two objects.

In this image we can see that the photographer has taken this photo of some variegated leaves. While the flower contrasts with the leaves a close up of just the variegated leaves would be just as interesting as the variegation is so strong.

In this image we see a marked contrast between a green field and the brown soil.

Contrast yes. But this image has other metaphors. Like the odd one our or the black sheep. Also in a colour wheel. Opposing colours always contrast well. Red is opposite green.

Strong primary colours also work to great effect when showing contrast.
Here we see the photographer has captured an image of a double rainbow which is contrasted against the bleak grey sky. 

In this image we can see the contrast between the red sand in the water and the blue top of the water. This looks like a retouch in both the colour and the mirror image on both sides. 

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