Wednesday 26 November 2014

Work Diary - Studio Contrast 2

In this section we did some more work with the contrast between people. Some examples of this are height, gender and clothing colour. I enjoyed getting different types of people and coming up with interesting contrast.

In this image I have two people of different sex, ethnicity, height, shape, colour and hair. These were the two most different people in our class. These two people were polar opposites so for me this was a good example of contrast, not with regards  the way it was shot but in the subject matter.

In theses two images I wanted to show a happy woman and sad man and vice versa in the second image.  I wanted to add to this emphasis by the use of props hence the knife and boa. Looking at the shots after the shoot it did not work as well as I had hoped as both models were not animated enough to show the emotion I wanted.

If I were to continue this project it would be great to extend this by using people from outside of my pier group. I would like to use a range older and younger people and people of different race. I would also like to have to use a stronger lighting on both the background and the subject as below.

In this we can see that we have two people wearing fur. The one on the right is wearing an expensive fur coat, while the  one on the left is wear random bits of fur that he has hunted and put together himself. The photographer appears to have lit the background from one side and the people from the other. This light against dark and dark against light gives the shots a nice quality, throws the subject forward and adds a lot of contrast.

By using the same background for a homeless man and wealthy man the photographer has added emphasis to this series of images.   The same photographic style of lighting the background from one side and the subject from the other emphasises the clothes and contrast of the subject.

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