Wednesday 5 November 2014

Work Diary - Studio Contrast

In this section we did some work with the contrast between lots of things for example height, gender and clothing colour. The main part of this that I enjoyed was getting different types of images and coming up with interesting contrasts.

In this image there is a contrast between the both the male and female and then there was also a contrast between the two heights of the subjects the male is natually taller then the female but because the male subject is giving the female a piggyback ride it makes her taller then the male.

In this image I decided to get two people of different hair lengths stand back to back so there could be an easy  comparison of the different hair lengths.

If I were to I would like to continue to do the same thing but with a wider range models to use to get more interesting contrast. I would also like to have some types of contrast on the background for example a model wearing white on a black background and anothetr model wearing black on  white background.

Here is an image of a young boy with little muscles and an older man with lots of muscles. There is both a contrast of physical structure and the age of both. There is also a contrast between the blacks and whiote in the photos which show off the blacks and white in the photo.

In this image we can see the difference between a young in shape man and an older out of shape man which is the contrast. There is also a contrast between the blacks and whiote in the photos which show off the blacks and white in the photo.

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