Friday 19 September 2014

Image Bank - Form

Form is the 3 dimensional nature of an image. We can tell if something is 3D by the shadow it cast. One of the issues with photography is that we can not take a photo in 3 dimensions so we have a 3D object but it is converted into 2D, so photographers have to get the right shadow cast to show that the object was originally in 3D. This is a rather hard thing to do but if done well then it makes it rather easy to tell if an object is 3D. 2D objects can also cast a shadow but we can tell from the image tank if it is 2D or 3D.

We can tell from the rock that is is 3D even though the image itself is 2D because of the way the photographer has captured how it casts its shadow. We can also tell the form of this image from the texture of the rock. We can see a subtle change in the texture which indicates a curve which also tells us that the object is 3D.

This image of a sand dune has one large shadow cast on one side this is because the light form the sun is only hitting one side of the dune and the other is kept in the dark, because of this we can see that the dune is 3D and has a point. This tells us that the form of the image is rather like a triangular prism with a tip and straight edges on either side. 

In this image we can tell that the image is 3D because it has a shadow cast on the next chain along. Another way we can tell that the chain is 3D is that because the chains have different angles for each of the chains in the link. We know that the chain is 3D as well because the  the texture of the chain we can see that it has dents in it which mean it is 3D.

From this image we can see that the sticks cast a shadow on the ground which gives the effect of the image being 3D. Another way we can tell that the image is 3D is the way the sticks interact at the root. We can see that the sticks are intertwined at the root of the tree and from that can tell that it is a 3D image.

In this image we can see that the circular stone has it's shadow cast in the foreground by the sun in the background. This makes the image look more 3 dimensional when in fact it is a 2D image. Other way we can tell the the object is actually 3D is the fact that there is a background and foreground because if it was all 2D there would be no back or foreground they would all be the same.

Similarly to the sand dune one side of this building has a shadow cast on it, which shows us that the building is 3D.  Another way we can tell that the image is 3D is that the we can tell that there is point on the two building because the top of the building isn't flat which it would be if it was 2D.

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