Friday 19 September 2014

Image Bank - Pattern

These six images bellow all show different patterns, there can be both patterns in nature and patterns that are man-made. Most of the patterns I have found are man-made but there are still lots of patterns that can be found throughout in nature. A pattern is a repeating unit of something that forms decretive design which follows a basic sequence which then form the pattern. A pattern will normally follow a specific order which will then form a patten. An example would be the woven design bellow.

Here we see a woven pattern of a basket that a photographer has taken. This pattern is made up of strains of wood all woven together to form a basket with a nice pattern in the progress. The pattern seen here is rather basic because we can easily identify it. The pattern in this is the strips of wood layered on top of each other.

Here a photographer ha taken a load of marbles and lined them up in a pattern, all of them are green except one which is red which makes the pattern stand out. 

In this the photographer has overlapped lots of tyres to make another woven pattern like the basket above.

Here are the over lapping pattern found on a peacocks feathers. This pattern has been adapted by nature to make the peacock look bigger and fierce to any predators. The photographer who has taken this photo has done a close-up of the feathers.  

Here is a pattern of the top of a load of large lead pencils all lined up to form a wonderful pattern going along it.  In this we see the top at different angles because of the pattern. This makes it rather interesting because the pattern causes a pattern of its own.

In this image we see multiple formal elements. The first is colour which in the image we have red and green which add to make the image brighter. We also have shape in the image where the petals are diamond shaped, because of this shape it causes the image to have a pattern and also has a pattern where all the petals point towards the centre of the flower. 

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