Friday 19 September 2014

Image Bank - Colour

When using colour in photography you can achieve anything because you can be as creative as possible by using different types of colour. I have chosen six different pictures to indicate the different levels of colour that can be used. I believe that using colour in photos is rather important to the image itself because it shows lots of the detail needed in the image and also shows how creative the photographer is in their work. Which I think is a rather important indicator in how good a certain photographer is. 

Colour is found everywhere in the universe and can be made into anything. By using colour in a picture a photographer can achieve any type of picture. This image shows an edited image of a photo of space which ha sheen edited to have different areas each showing a different colour. These colours represent the main colours that can be found in the universe and also the more of a colour there is in the image above the more dominant that colour is. As we can see RED and BLUE are the most dominant colours, followed by GREEN, YELLOW, and LIGHT BLUE.
Every colour we get comes from white light, the only reason we see different colours is because white light contains all colour and different objects reflect different colours. The camera then picks up the colours that have been reflected and then converts that into an image. This makes the image have colour and that is what we see in the photo.

In this photograph we can see what an architect has done to a building. This picture shows some man made colours which exist in are world. This has been applied to a building which makes the image rather interesting and also because of the amount of colour makes the image seem brighter then it actually is.

Here is a bird that has feathers that all reflect different colours of white light. This photographer has taken this photo of a bird which indicates the natural form of colour in the natural world. This bird has rather bright and vibrant colours on it which would indicate that it lives in a rather non hostile environment because it has no need for camouflage.

In this photograph we can see a single flower that has cells that reflect different colours to make this beautiful image.  Colour in the natural world is very important because flowers use colour on their petals to attract insects to the flower for pollination. So without this function we wouldn't have flowers or plants for oxygen. This shows the importance of colour in the world.

Here we can see a display of multiple colours which a photographer has successfully managed to capture and turn in to this wonderful photograph. This image is using lights to refract different colours in the steams of water to give a water light show to people.

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