Monday 29 September 2014

Image Bank - Tone

Here are some images from the web that all have different tonal values to them. The main tone used is black and white but often photographers will change the image to an orange colour which also works well wight the image and makes it look older then it actually is. Tone can make an image very interesting because in some cases by removing the detail of colour you actually get more detail in the image which is rather interesting. Another thing with tone is it can be used to make the viewer focus on a specific section of the image.

In this image I like that the blacks have been turned right up which cause the boats in the background into just fully black boats with no detail to them. It makes the viewer look at the bridge and the lake in more detail which is the main focus in the image.  I also like how there is a black border round the edge of the image because it makes it rather interesting and adds to the dark in the image.

Here we see an interesting  picture of tone that contains some mist and has a very gloomy feel to it and the photographer has managed to capture that feeling into the image above. In this image it also looks rather gloomy and horrific. Tone can also make an image turn from a normal basic image into a horror image.

In this image here there is less tone used it is only slightly but it still works very well with the image. This is because it added an orange tone to the image because of the sunset and makes the whole image rather interesting. We also see that it has added to the vibrance of the image.

Here we see a black and white tone which has made all of the people look like a shadow and works well with the clouds which now look like storm about to hit the mainland. In this image it looks like the backs of all the people have been turned right up to make them look like a shadow on the beach.

Here we see the photographer has taken a picture in the middle of the road and it looks like it was taken early night. The photographer has edited the photograph so that the tone is orange which I think works well. This makes the image look like a really old image because back when cameras where first made the image produced would sometimes turnout with a very strong orange tint.

The thing I like about this image is that it looks a bit creepy and looks like the start to 'Silent Hill'. I also like how the mist covers all the background and makes it look hidden. This adds a level of mystery to the image itself. I also like how because of the mist and the tone of the image we can only see what is along the road and nothing else.

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