Monday 22 September 2014

Work Diary - Form

Evaluation of Form:
When I started the subject of form, I didn't understand what it meant from a photography point of view, but now I understand that form is the representation of a 3D image taken on a 2D image. This can be achieved by using shadow, texture, light and colour to show the 3D nature of the image. Using shadows to show the three diminutional nature of a 2D image is the best and easiest way to show that the image taken is 3D.

I really enjoyed participating in this subject and taking and editing the photos, I also enjoyed starting the blog and adding my images and other images to it. The day was sunny so I was able to get lots of interesting photos Even though I didn't quite understand what was meant by form at the beginning of the lesson I think that I managed to get a hang of what was mean to be done and managed to get some interesting photos.

The thing I like about this image is how the top of the bench reflects lots of light and the shadow that is cast due to the angle of the light gives the bench its form. I think this works especially well because the contrast for the top of the bench and the side of the bench is so strong.  This also makes it easier to see the form of the bench because there is a bright light on the top and has dark sides so we know that the bench itself is actually a 3D object.
In this image I took a photo of my shadow and edited it to make it look like I  took the photo at  dusk. The thing I like about this photo is that it looks like I took it later then it was actually taken. I also like that I have no actual objects in this image other than the paving. It is my shadow that suggests "form". So this image does not directly show form but hints at it.  Also within this photo there is a contrast between the light I have and the shadows. I think that by using this technique the light emphasises the dark and the dark emphasises the light to make a good photo.


I enjoyed this section of the subject and think that if I were to continue to develop this subject I would get lots of shadows of people but probably where you can see their body. Like my photo the shadows hint at "form" without actually showing any at all. I would also like to take photos of large structures casting shadows in the early morning or evening. Its interesting to note that form is not governed by shutter speed but is shown by the shadow it casts. I think that multiple lights from different angles would help to show form better than one light source as well.  

In the future I would like to take photos like this one were you can only see the shadow of the person because I think this use of shadow rather than colour or speed show form the best. I believe that this would be a good shot for form because it shows the shadows of multiple people but you get this shot without actually seeing the people themselves which makes the image rather interesting and mysterious.
This photo shows the silhouette of a person on a window from this image we can see that the hand is darker than the rest of the body. This is because the hand of the image is closer to the window and because the lights are behind the man the hand is further from the light source so the hand is the darkest part of the image. This use of lighting gives a depth to the image so creates form.

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