Sunday 28 September 2014

Research On Robert Capa

Robert Capa:

The reason I have chosen Robert Capa as one of my photographers is because he manages to capture peoples emotion and movement in all of his photos which I think is a very good skill. I find he work to be very appealing to me because he has lots of war photos and I think that he has represented the people in those photo as good hardworking people who are trying to end a war, he also manages to capture peoples emotion of being there and what the future may hold.

Here we can see some Asian children having a snowball fight and we can also see that Robert Capa has managed to capture their happiness in the photo even though there is a war going. This image shows that even if there is a war the children can escape from the horror and enjoy themselves.
In this photo we see a wounded solider being bandaged up after an incident.  The thing to think about with this photo is that after that he probably had to go straight back to where he got that injury and had to face the horror of war again.
In this image we can see how grateful the people were to the soldiers because here we have a french farming offering cider to American soldiers about to fight in another battlefield to liberate some more of that persons home country.
In this image we can see the horror of the storm at Normandy and we can see some of the people who were shot down still floating next to their living friends. This image just shows  the horror of storming the beaches.
Robert Capa is an excellent example of movement and tone in photos. Robert takes a still image of people in movement without blur and also uses a black and white tone. His use of tone adds to the affect of the movement in his images. The photos he takes are still image but you can tell where and what type of movement everyone in the image would have made directly after the photo was taken.

This photographer has influenced me to try to get photos of some types of atrocity and find photos of people in the middle of it trying to make a difference. This is because in lots of his photos he takes he takes photos of the bad for example people dying in WWII but also takes photos of people with nothing giving stuff to solders who are fighting for them to have freedom. In my work influenced by Robert Capa I have included images that show people wanting freedom and signs of freedom.

To summarise this photographer is good at managing to capture movement in the photo and his photos are good at telling the story that happened before the photo was taken and what happened after it was taken. I think that this is a very good trait in a photo because it makes the viewer more interested in the photo.

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