Sunday 5 October 2014

Definition - Colour


Web Definition:
Colour is defined as the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.

My Definition:
Colour is the type of light reflected by certain objects that is created from white light and the object only reflects a certain light back called a colour.


Here in this image we can see there is a large contrast of colours between the liquid environment and the harsh rocky environment. The bright colours in the liquid have slowly spread out into the rocks and stained them but the grey monoslavic rocks around it are relatively unaffected because they are greater in numbers then the liquid colour. 

In this photograph we can see the difference between two seasons, and that there is still a remnant from the previous season lingering onward into the next season. We can tell this from the difference in colour from both seasons the remnant of summer has it's green leafs to it and the new season Autumn is a crispy red colour.

Here we see a multitude of colours being admitted from a light source. These colours are all bright colours that have been capture on a photograph. Each colour represents a different thing but in this photo each colour shows a parking space.
Here we see the start of a fire and the contrast between the dark coal and the bright orange light source it admits. The reason this is such a good photo is the photographer has capture the essence of the photo and has manged to capture its brightness.

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