Saturday 11 October 2014

Work Dairy - Photojoiner

I really enjoyed this section of photography. My favorite part of it was coming up with photos that I could join together to create a larger photo. I enjoyed the section were we had to connect the photos and I tried to create a perfect match. I especially liked doing the photojoiner on an object because I found that to be more interesting and challenging.

The main reason I like this photo is because I have managed to reconstruct the photo on my phone of the image which I really like. The fact that each section has different light values adds to the overall image. This image is rather interesting because It shows multiple things. The first is we see the photo join of the image in the phone then we can work backwards from that and see how the phone all joins together and then after that we can see how the brick wall behind fits back together which I think makes a rather interesting image. 
The thing that I like about this photo is it looks like like sections have been repeated. Almost like a cheat but it is infact all one building. I think that if each section had a drop shadow and used landscape and portrait sections it would have looked more interesting.

If I were to continue this theme of work I would like to try and do some with a much wider view. I think that this process would work will with long panoramic images. You could possibly take pictures of a whole street and use photo joiner to make a really long image.

In this photo we see a photographer has taken a photo of a Vue cinema in the middle of town. I like the use of a drop shadow to emphasise the technique. Each square in the foreground has its own story to tell. A viewer gets drawn into the image and can study it for a ling time. 
In this photo we see someone has created a photo joiner of an island including the sea and parts of the sky. The photojoiner adds to the feeling of space and openness so this gives anew dimension to the image. I like the unusual finished patten. The photographer has left some images out to make this a more interesting shape.

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