Friday 10 October 2014

Image Bank - Texture

Here I have found some images of texture from the internet. Texture is the feel or appearance of an object. This is rather interesting because by using texture we can tell how the object will feel and you can also tell if the image is 3D or 2D which is rather interesting. Texture is rather interesting because it is an underline feature in most photos but you just don't notice it as much as the photo itself.

Here we see that the surface of the tree stump is rough. We know this because if we look at the surface structure of the tree we can see the cracks that go across it . This shows us that the tree trunk is rough.

In this image we see the photographer has taken a photo of a rough bumpy surface and has managed to capture the texture of the wall in the image. This is done because we can both see the bumps in the wall and we can see the shadows that they cast.

We can observe in this image that the photographer has has managed to capture the smoothness of the apple, this has been done by capturing the light that hits the apple on a small surface covered in water.

In this we can see the surface of the leaf that looks rough, but even thought  there are lots of cracks throughout its structure the leaf is actually smooth to a touch. This means that even though the photographer has captured a rough surface it is actually a smooth surface.

In this we can see what looks like a rough surface of rocks which it is but they have also capture a rough surface on the rocks as well which shows two different surfaces one made from the other.

In this image we see the rough scale like surface of an alligator or crocodile. Even though the combination of the scale may be rough to the touch of a single scale it is smooth. In this the photographer has only capture the roughness of the surface.

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