Thursday 2 October 2014

Work Diary - Reflection


Reflection is created by the throwing back of light off a polished surface. The thing I liked about this project was going round Harlow town, finding interesting reflective surfaces and also trying to get images that were half reflected and half see through, so you can see what was on the other side of the reflective surface.

In this image I took a photo that reflected all the shoppers in a busy mall. I think it does need brightening a little but does get over the reflected message.  Also you can start to see through the glass into the shop but the angle meant that its was not that interesting. I think I could do better if I was to go out again.
I like this shot (apart from the drain) I love the reflection of the clouds that totally fill the image then on top of that my reflection and the fact that then I have my shoes. If I did not have the drain or the curb stones but just the reflection and my shoe in the image it would be a great shot.


If I were to continue this then I would like to do a lot more shots using water.  I think that they work so well and while not easy to do as you need to be patient and wait for just the right moment the effects can be stunning. The lighting and the subject need to be interesting in order for the images to work as in the image below

This is already a great image without the reflection in the water. I am not sure whether it is genuine as it appears to be too good. Perfect lighting, perfect sunset, perfectly still water and over a large area as well. I think this reflection was done in Photoshop.

Again the image it already really strong without the reflection but I like the way the sun appears as a complete circle. Like it was high in the sky.  The composition in setting the sun off to one side also works really well.

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