Monday 6 October 2014

Work Diary - Movement

I really enjoyed shooting these photos. My favourite section of photography is movement and using light and exposure to create great photos works so well. By controlling the shutter speed you can create such a huge variety of different looks even from the same subject. I particularly like working at night.

The thing I love about this photo is it captures so many things. I live by the A10 so I walked up to the bridge over it one evening  and experimented with exposure times. In this image I caught an aeroplane right above the road shining its light. Above that the moon was full so that was reflecting light in to the clouds. The distant light on the horizon was London and the red and white trails were cars moving in both directions. This was is so far my best shot while taking my course.
I also like this photo of mine which uses a technique called light painting, this is were you use light to create an interesting image that looks really good. This exposure was around 15 seconds and and I got someone with a sparkler to run around the garden. 

If I were to continue this subject which I would like to do I would get more shots of light steams and also try to get a shot of the stars as they move around in the night sky this would be done by leaving the exposure on for the whole night or by taking multiple long exposures.

The way you achieve this image is by using bulb mode in the camera. I estimate this shot was about 10 x 30 second exposures merged together. Actually its not a great night shot. As there is too much light in the fore ground and it looks like bad editing on th skyline.
In this photo someone has taken a photo from up high and they haveleft the exposure on for a long period of time and as the multiple cars go by they leave behind a trail of light which is captured by the camera. I like this as the light stream leads the eye up into the town.  Still not as good as my shot!

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