Wednesday 8 October 2014

Work Diary - Pattern

I enjoyed this project. Searching for patterns in and around the college grounds there was a lot to choose from.  It's not until you start top look hard that actually there are patterns to everything we look at. Both on a large and small scale. The main section I enjoyed was editing the photos and changing the levels within the photo.

I liked the pattern of these paving slabs. In a way the pattern is constantly changing as the moss and dirt sits in the crevices  so over time this will look more and more different. I think if I got lower this shot would have been more dramatic.

This pattern we see the world over. In buildings or paving slabs the pattern is the same but the use of different types of brick are infinite so within the structure of the overlapping pattern there is an infinite variety and look to the finished result. The edge of my foot in this gives the viewer some scale but looking at this now I would probably either crop my foot totally out or include my whole shoe. It looks a bit ill-considered as is.


If I were to continue this section of the course I would have liked to continue my theme of brickwork and the variety of patterns you can make in bricks.  It would be nice to balance this with patterns in nature as below.

This is a good photograph because the photographer has been able to isolate the image of the butterfly on a neutral background so that the natural pattern of the butterfly is all that you see. The pattern is amazing and I think is designed to scare away animals that might eat the butterfly. 

Here we see the skyline of a Japanese city. For me the skyline creates a pattern. Even though it may not look like it is patterned because there are both large monolithic building an small building it creates a pattern within the skyline. Now even though this is a hard thing to do the photographer has successfully managed to achieve this with minimal effort. If you look closely every building also has repeat patterns in the windows and shape of every floor. Its is a very uniform pattern where as in nature patterns tend to be more irregular.

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