Sunday 5 October 2014

Definition - Movement


Web Definition:
The definition of movement is an act of moving.

My Definition:
Movement is when you capture someone moving within an image.


Here we see someone has manged to capture the movement of cars at a junction of a busy road in the USA. Here we see the photographer has manged to successfully capture the movement of the yellow taxis and the movement of the people as the cross the road and walk around.

In this image we see someone has hit a load of pool balls and left the exposure on to capture the movement of the balls as they disperse across the table, i would say the exposure on this image is maybe 15-30 seconds so they could get the full disperse of the balls.

Here we see a photographer has manged to capture people movement as they go though an airport. This image shows  how busy an airport can be and because the image is in black and white people automatically notice the busyness of the  airport.

Here we see someone has caught an image of a train as it drives past a station and the photographer has got a person waiting for their train in the image as well. This image really shows how the motion of the train is really fast because the women in the image is not blurred due to movement in exposure. 

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