Sunday 19 October 2014

Definition - Portraiture


Web Definition:
Portraiture is making a vivid or detailed description.

My Definition:
Portraiture is the act of taking a photo of a subject with lots of description.


Here we see the photographer has taken a very rugged photo of Daniel Craig so that the viewer can look at the picture in lots of detail and can analyse the colour scheme used in the photo.

Here we see the photographer has removed most of the colour except for the eyes. This gives the viewer a point on the photo where they can focus on and look at the detail in the photo using the eyes as a reference point. 

Here we see a photographer has taken a photo of two well known actor, Danielle Radcliffe and Emma Watson and has combined the two faces together to create a new portraiture image of  the two actors.

Here we see another famous actor who has had their photo taken in black and white which takes the viewers attention away from everything else so they can see more of the photo without the distraction of colour.

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