Saturday 4 October 2014

Definition - Pattern


Web Definition:
A repeated colour or design.

My Definition:
A design, colour or object that is repeated multiple times.


Patterns do not always have to be the same shape repeated over and over again, a pattern can be a type of object that is repeated multiple times, for example the image above is a pattern of rocks. The rocks themselves are not all the same but because they are all rocks and have been repeated it means they are a pattern and the photographer has seen this and decided to capture this type of pattern.

In this image we can see that the photographer has taken a picture of a bee honey comb. This pattern shows that all life in the world work with some form of order and the photographer has captured that in this image by showing the hexagons in this photo as a pattern which is a structure

Here we see a photographer has taken a photo of a pattern create by man. This shows pattern shows that the human race works with order not random patterned structures like nature. The photographer shows us this by managing to capture an image of man kinds OSD for order and not random structures.

Patterns are found throughout the world we can find them in biological creature like a zebra above. This pattern shows us that it isn't just mankind that can create a patterned structure but also nature can as well. This photographer is trying to show the detail that nature puts into her designs when creating pattern and this photographer has capture one of these patterns in a photograph.

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