Thursday 23 October 2014

Work Dairy - Studio Portraiture Back Of Head

The thing I liked about this section of my photography A level was taking photos of people from the back.  Just using different backgrounds can give a totally different feeling and mood to each shot regardless of the person chosen.

In this shot I choose a reddish pick backdrop. The colour complimented the models hair and gave a warmth to the image that I would not be ale to achieve otherwise. I achieved this by using a reflector and lighting from one side so some light would bounce back into the hair. I also lightened the shot in photoshop.

In this image I did the reverse of the first shot in that I chose a black background and had my model wear black clothes.
I only lit her hair and then in photoshop turned up the shadows to leave just the back of the head lit. This draws the viewer to the head only which I like.

If I were to continue to do this in a studio I think I could have more fun with it like in the example below. You could make this into a series and by using people like punks, skinheads, goths and other people to make an interesting  series of images without ever seeing a face.

Here is a very interesting image where the photographer has put on the models clothes back to front. I think thjis image is hard to look at as it messes with the natural order of things.  This could be turned into a series.
By using people from different ethnic backgrounds we would get a great variety of hairstyles. This photographer has shot this man on a white background to emphasise his dark hair with tights curls. By showing a little of his skin we can see that the man is black. It is a bit of a boring shot from a photolibrary. But does get over that this  black man is a white collar worker so is making a point.

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