Thursday 23 October 2014

Work Dairy - Portraiture Back Of Head

In this section I liked trying to get a blurred background. It was hard to achieve this without my normal camera because the college cameras do not have the same setting as my camera. When I was editing the photos it was strange to do because it was the back of someones head which is an odd photo to take but I think I managed to edit some of the photos correctly.
In this image I like how the back of a persons head is in focus but the background is out of focus  

In this image I like that the background is still blurred but you can easily identify what is there and you can still see the individual objects and they haven't all blurred into one cloud like the one above.
If I were to continue to do this then I would like to take photos of people who have interesting heads and different hair or no hair.

What makes this image of a bald man so strong is the use of light to exaggerate the shape of his head.
I think this was lit from behind and low down to do this. 

Sometimes you can't tell who people are from behind especially if its just a head shot.
But some people are so famous its obvious. I also like the side lighting on this.

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