Monday 13 October 2014

Definition - Shape


Web Definition:
A shape is the external form, contours, or outline of something or someone.

My Definition:
Shape is the form of an object when an photo is taken.


In this image we can see that the photographer has taken photos monkey hoops and has placed some of them at different angles so it creates an effect of the hoops getting smaller as each time you go though one.

Here we see a photographer has taken a photo of lots of stacked pipes. Each stacked pipe is a cylinder with an open circle on the end of it. We can see that the pipes are each different lengths out and they create larger circle the closer to the cam are they are.

In this image we see a crescent moon. This image is a  moon shaped image and is an unusual shape because it is only seen naturally on the moon.
In this image we see that the photographer has taken a photo of a bridge with a multitude of  different shapes all combined together to create a storage shaped bridge. Here the photographer has seen that and has decided to capture those shapes created on the bridge.

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