Friday 10 October 2014

Research On Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson:

The reason I have chosen to do my research on Henri Cartier-Bresson is because he takes photos from the beginning of life to the end of life and everything in-between. His work shows creativity and shows how he has managed to capture the emotion of the people he has photographed. He also does most of his images in black and white which takes focus away from the background and brings focus onto the foreground.
In this image we see another one of Henri's movement images were a man is jumping over a puddle while a couple are getting intimate in the background.

The reason I have chosen this photo is because it shows what the working class were like and how they formatted themselves in Paris during this time.
I choose this image because it contrasts the image above it because it shows a clear difference in class. As we can see she is in the upper class of society and this shows the difference between the bottom and  the top. 

Here we see a couple are asleep together, this image shows us that even during this time a couple can still be together and show their  affection towards each other.
Henri Cartier-Bresson uses tone in his work in a fairly basic way but in a way that is effective on the audience. He uses tone to try and separate out the work class from the upper class which actually works because be removing the colour it makes them less different. Even though you can still tell the difference between the classes it is still an effective technique which works well to engage the audience.

This photographer has influenced me to look at a possible image and think about its whole lifespan from creation to destruction and find inventive ways to incorporate that into my photograph. He has also inspired me to look at both sides of an image both the visual and the metal side of the image. The photo I think best shows how he has inspired me is a wedding photo because it shows the start of a new life that two people will be sharing with each other.

Overall this photographer has inspired me to get more photos of lifespans and to try and achieve photos of lifespan and to capture both sides of the potential image. I like most of his work even though some images are controversial but I think that it works with his overall theme.

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