Friday 17 October 2014

Work Diary - Shape


There are many "Formal Elements" in photography and in this section I looked at Shape. I enjoyed going out and finding strange and unusual shapes to photograph and then coming back to do some creative editing with the strange photo I had taken. I also enjoyed finding out new features on my camera which I had been previously unknown to me.
In this image I liked the single round object an a wall of square bricks. The slight sooty discolouration round this vent makes the disk almost like its floating by the wall. I emphasised this by adding more contrast to the image.

In this photo I like that I can see two circles one made made and
the other created by the condensation of the water under the glass
plate. Back in the studio I isolated this and made the montage you see below.

By using a vignette and cutting out with a large feather I made this montage. I like the colour and overlapping metal whic make the image almost look painted.

If I were to continue with this subject I would like to take photos of unusual shapes both man made and natural.  I think the contrast between each would make a good project. In the example below I like the softness of the organic shapes and the natural intense colour of the plant.

I really like the way the water droplet clings into the petal and reflects the word around. I think this was probably set up and that the photographer used a tripod to get the shot.

Being at the right place at the right time and with a camera is often luck. The shape of this cloud looks like it should be man made so, for me blurs the difference between man made and natural objects.

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