Saturday 4 October 2014

Definition - Line


Web Definition:
 A line is a long narrow mark or band.

My Definition:

My definition of a line is a singular mark along a surface it can be any surface and any kind of mark.
But there needs to have a contrast between the surface and the line to differentiate the two. This contrast can be made by colour, texture, relief (light and dark) or a shiny and matt surface.


Line photography can be created  in lots of ways. Lines are the base of all photographs. We see the world in perspective so lines form the basis of all that we see. In this shot the photographer has seen multiple lines match up to make a square pattern on the skylight. This is both pattern and line formal elements in one.

Here the photographer has taken a long exposure photograph of a line. The reason we know this is a long exposure is because the clouds are blurred and the the water is smooth. This adds to the strength of the line as does the depth of field which makes it more interesting.

Here the photographer has left the exposure of the camera on for probably 30 seconds or more thuds this has captured movement within the image and the movement of light creates lines and those lines make the photo a movement photo.

Here we see a photographer has taken a photo of a bamboo forest, this image shows us that nature also works in lines. This tells us that lines are basically the start for everything including the start to creating an interesting photograph.

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