Thursday 2 October 2014

Image Bank - Movement

Here are some images I found on the internet to do with movement. The way a photographer gets photos in movement is by leaving the exposure of the camera on for a longer period of time which allows more light to be taken in over a longer period of time because the shutter is open for longer. This causes an afterimage effect which follows the actual image. 

Here we see the movement across the image of the dice as shown by the motion blur behind the dice in their current possession in the image. Movement can make rather interesting image because it looks like a magic trick because of the afterimage effect.
In this photo the photographer has had the camera above the model as she span around to leave a trail of her arms and legs in the photo. I like how her head looks the same and not blurred because it makes it look like her head didn't move.
I like in this photo that it looks like someone has quickly moved out of the way to avoid something and left a distorted image of the person. This looks like a rather horrific image because the person has their mouth open which makes the image look like there is some sort of demonic possession occurring in the image.
I love these types of photos because you have a singular point in the sky, the north star, which is not moving and as the Earth turns the star surrounding it make an orbit round in the sky. It leaves circles in the sky because it is tracking the movement of the light from the stars.

I like in this photo that there is a stationary person with buses driving past which leaves lots of blurred bus like figures. This is rather interesting because sit creates an effect the the buses are moving faster than normal because they are leaving a blur when the man walking isn't leaving a blur behind.

What I like about this photo is that the bear is not blurred but everything behind it is blurred, because it is on a roundabout so anything on the roundabout will be clear and the background will  look blurred. 

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