Friday 3 October 2014

Definition - Reflection


Web Definition:
The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

My Definition:
Reflection is when and object mirrors what is happening in front of it.

The great thing about the reflection in this photo is that the beach has a very clear layer of water over it so you can still walk normally though it, but because the water is clear it can easy reflect the cloudy sky which then makes it look like the clouds are on the beach floor. I also like how there is little blue sky or black where the image reflects because it creates a circular affect on the view that the sky loops back round into the floor.

This photograph demonstrates the reflectivenes of water . As we can see the water reflects the flower almost perfectly but the surrounding items in the photo are slightly distorted. This is because those objects are much further away and because there is a ripple in the water the object seems distorted. The reason the flower is not distorted as much as the background object is for two reasons the first being that the lotus is closer to its own reflection and also the camera is more focused on the lotus then the background image.

One thing that can be achieved with reflection in an image is completion, this is where you have an object that looks like it is half built, but on a reflective surface looks like it is complete. In this image there is what looks like half of a heart but when the photo is taken to include a reflective surface the large structure looks like a fully complete heart.

Reflection are not always perfect replications of an image, some reflective surfaces can bend and twist to form a distorted image that can make a good photo. Here in this photo we see that the large objects bends the Chicago skyline to fit the shape of the object, any reflective surface that distort like this always matches the  shape of the object.

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