Thursday 2 October 2014

Work Diary - Line


The thing I liked about doing the line photos was that while lines are everywhere and can be straight, curved, vertical or horizontal it was a good exercise to find lines that really emphasise this. Even though it was quite a challenge I think that it went well because I believe that I managed to get some very intreating photos even from everyday objects.
This is one of my favourite shots because the image has many lines and by using a short depth of field depth I think I exaggerated the curve in the wood on the chair. Tt creates a very interesting image with multiple depths to it. For example because the mid point of the image is the only section in focus, the attention of the viewer is drawn to this point. There is also strong directional light on one side of the chair which creates a great contrast of light and dark in the image.

This image was taken in the car park opposite the college. Photographing any straight line is a great example to help with this section of the course but in hind sight I think that if I had got down on the ground this would have turned an average shot into a good shot. This angle does show perspective but not that well. Also the lighting in the car park was dark and I shot toward light so this always makes exposure difficult. If I were to do this again I would get on the ground and shoot a road outside.


If I were to continue doing this then I would find more interesting roads and other shapes like railings for example.  I like this shot below but to make it more interesting If I were to use flash and at night we could see the image disappear into blackness.

This is a good shot as the road is so long the parallel lines disappear into infinity. It would be better if there was a gradual bend in the road as this would demonstrate line in a stronger way. There is also a big contrast between the yellow lines and the road which makes for a stronger image.

I really admire this photo because the photographer has captured
an image of two line types that are polar opposite. One is the actual shadow cast by the light source the other is the lines that are left by the natural light not being obstructed. The lines are only created by shadow (one of the other elements we are studying).

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