Saturday 4 October 2014

Definition - Depth


Web Definition:
Depth is the distance from the top or the surface to the bottom of something.

My Definition:
Depth is when you start at a point of large area and as your eye follows it down it gets smaller.

In this image we can see that the there are three areas of depth that are happening. There are the two side depths and the floor depth. This makes a cube like image which shows us that the depth of an image can be from anywhere in a photo. By using this technique we can use the depth to draw the viewer to a significant point in the image, for example in this one the depth takes us to the background tree.

This image shows depth because as we can see in the definition it is distance from the top of an image to the bottom of an image.  Depth does not always have to be from the bottom of an image going along it can be form the side to the middle of an image like the one from above.
The effect of depth doesn't always have to be on and inanimate object the effect of depth of an object can also be achieved with a human or animal subject like in the photo above. In this photo the photographer has chosen an angle in where the head of the girl is in focus and the rest of her is not this draws attention to the key point of the image which is her head and then you follow her body down to her feet because of the effect of depth in this image.

In this image the photographer has manged to get two aspects of depth within this image. They have got the depth from the poles going along and have a depth going along the poles from the birds. This shows us the two basic structure of the world which are biological and man made in and image and because they are repeated like in a pattern it shows that both are never ending.

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