Saturday 11 October 2014

Work Dairy - Texture

In this section on formal elements I concentrated on Texture. I enjoyed this subject and think I excelled in using depth of field in my photos as well. I think that the made texture in the photos stand out more that organic items because the main focus in the photo was in a small area and the background was blurred so the main focus was the texture..

The main thing I like about this photo is the way the light hit the bricks. It was late in the day so the rough texture was highlighted by the angle of the light. I added in more shadow and contrast  in Photoshop to show off the texture within the photo.

I like this photo because by turning it sideways it looks odd and makes you double take.  I boosted the light and shadows in the photo to make the texture stand out even more than when I shot it. I like the fact that the texture appears to be getting finer and finer from left to right. I don't think the leaf adds to the shot so if I  were to do this again I would find a clean large it of gravel to shoot.

If I were to continue doing this subject of photography then I would take more closeup shots of surfaces. All surfaces change with age and the texture of cracks always looks interesting. I would also like to get an image of a ripple across water because the ripple makes it look rough but the water surface is smooth.
In this photo we can see a close up of something that I cant work out what it is. All I see is the lovely way the cracks make a unique and random pattern. The light is at just the right angle the emphasise this. The photographer has used some depth of field but not enough in my opinion to add to the shot.

Here we see another close up like the one above and we still can't identity what it is. The surface seems to be rough but to a touch it would probably feel smooth. There is no indication of scale. So this could be 1mm or one mile across. These are some of the types of photos I would like to take because they only bring attention to the surface of the object and nothing else so you don't get distracted by other elements in the photo other than the pattern made by the light hitting the surface.

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