Wednesday 1 October 2014

Work Diary - Tone


Here is a definition of tone that I found on the internet "lightness, brightness or value of a patch in a photograph: dark tones correspond to shadows, light tones correspond to bright or highlight areas." The thing I enjoyed most in this section of photography was going out in to town and finding areas of the town were the images I took worked successfully.
Tone in an image means the range of light and dark areas in an image. We tend to think of tone as just how darek or light things are in a terms of black and white, but tone can mean "tonal range" or the amount of colour in a shot as well or how many colours are in a n image.
Every image has tone here the white car and the black car are at opposite ends of the tonal range. There is not much inbertween especially as this shot is rather underexposed.  

The thing I like about this photo is great tonal range. The way the light hits all the surfaces especially the round pillars have a very gradual fade from light to dark. There are a lot of both flat and round surfaces and all reflect the light in a different amount giving a large tonal range to the overall image. It is a bit underexposed but I like the feel this gives. Also the cloud cover meant that the lighting was very flat so we did not have strong shadows or light areas. 


If I were to continue this theme I would like to focus on buildings and probably on cloudy days when the light is flat as this gives a nice tonal range to the images. 

This image of an old bridge although shot in black and white has a good tonal range. You can see all the detail in the dark areas as well as in the light areas so the exposure is spot on. This has been sepia toned giving all tones a brown/orange look.

This old building is a really good shape for showing tone, depth and shadow. The direction of the single light source (the sun) and the shape of the building  means that the light wraps around the building in some areas and throws hard shadow in others. This looks like an old black and white shot but I don't think colour would have made this a stronger image.

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